In a world where big and impressive numbers get the cell phone number list glory, search volume is often a more touted metric than keyword difficulty. But while it's important to know how many times in a given month your keyword is typically entered cell phone number list as a query, it's equally important to understand the level of competition vying for ranking supremacy on that keyword. Find this strong inverse relationship between search volume and keyword difficulty (a high volume keyword with a low keyword difficulty level) using a keyword research tool content around (using SEO).
But there's a third ingredient in the cell phone number list secret sauce when it comes to finding impactful keywords for your business: intent. A keyword with high volume and low difficulty cell phone number list is useless if it doesn't match your cell phone number list marketing objective. It is therefore essential to understand not only what people are looking for, but also why they are looking for it. Is the cell phone number list keyword relevant enough to merit a bid? Is it applicable enough to your business to merit a blog post?
What is keyword difficulty?
Keyword difficulty (or “competition”) is a metric used to determine how difficult a keyword will rank for. Assessing keyword difficulty can help you determine if your cell phone number list time and money are worth: 1. optimizing a natural page for that keyword, or 2. bidding on that keyword in a campaign Google Ads. There are a number of factors that determine how competitive a keyword is, and a number cell phone number list of nuances that go into incorporating keyword competition into various marketing campaigns.
Keyword difficulty in SEO is largely a measure cell phone number list of the number and quality of backlinks to the first ten pages of the search engine results page (SERP) for that keyword – or competitiveness of these pages based on the cell phone number list strength of their backlinks. SEO keyword tools assess the “competitiveness” of a SERP by looking at the domain authorities (or domain ratings) and page authorities (or URL ratings) of indexed pages.
Like "Keyword Difficulty", "Domain Authority" and "Page Authority", you may also see them referred to as Domain Rating and URL Rating depending on the cell phone number list product you are using, these are not Google approved terms . Rather, they are metrics created by SEO software companies to estimate the value of the cell phone number list links a page or domain contains. Because of this, you're going to see variation around the metrics themselves, not just from product to product, but in terms of how accurately they reflect the strength of the cell phone number list pages they're evaluating.